Tuesday, 17th January – Today our school, has been awarded for the tenth time, the Learning About Forests Award (LEAF).  The Eco-school students together with the Prince Trust students worked together to build a greenhouse in the school garden.  This ceremony was held at the Żokrija school in Mosta on the occassion of World Tree Day.  After the ceremony those present had the opportunity to visit the Agribusiness section of the school. We would like to thank HSBC Bank for sponsoring this project, and Mr Carmel Caruana, Mr Joseph Savona, Mr Luke Borg, staff members and students who worked hard to build this greenhouse in our school.


Friday, 13th January – Our school football team took part in a football competition together with other schools.  Our students managed to pass for the final of this competition.

We would like to congratulate our students for their commitment towards football and sport and we also thank Mr Luke Busuttil for accompanying these students.

The Science Centre, in collaboration with the Directorate of Teaching and Assessment organised the second edition of the debate about Technology in youths’ everyday life.  The aim of this activity is to invite students to become actively critical and learn how to debate.  Schools were asked to choose a Year 8 student.

Our school was represented by Luke Camilleri who was well prepared on the subject and participated actively in this debate.

We would like to thank him for accepting to take part in this initiative.

He wrote: I must say, the STEM Debate was quite an experience. I thought it was going to be held in a larger room, but the small, yet cosy and modern classroom was enough for debaters and visitors alike. I was a bit nervous, but I think it has helped boost my confidence.  Either way, prize or not, I enjoyed every second of it and should another debate come to chance, I would happily do it all over again.


Għeżież, jalla intom u l-għeżież tagħkom ikollkom sena tajba mimlija bil-grazzja, bis-saħħa, bl-imħabba u bl-hena. Jalla l-Mulej ikun magħkom u jberikkom. Is-Sena t-Tajba.
Dear all, may you and your dear ones have a happy new year filled with grace, health, love and happiness. May the Lord be with you and bless you. Happy New Year.

During the first term our Year 10 students who form part of the Prince’s Trust International Achieve programme worked on a particular project.  Back in October these students together with their teacher went for a visit at the Birgu Candlelight company and watched the process of candle making.

Later they bought a block of candlewax and during the lessons they melted the product and worked as a team to produce Christmas candles.  To complete the project, they marketed the product internally and during the school Christmas concert all the candles were sold.

Thanks to these students and with the special help of their teacher Ms Josianne Debono Tanti who coordinated this project, our school benefitted from a profit of €340.


Thursday, 22nd December – After a busy week at school preparing and organizing activities for our students during the Christmas season, we spent the last day before the holidays together.  This social event started with mass and was followed by a spiritual reflection to help each member of staff commit himself to making a positive difference at school and strengthen the bond with one another.  We then bid farewell to Mr Edward Wright who served the school for twenty-five years. This meeting was held at Saint Massimiliano Kolbe church in Qawra.  We would like to thank Fr Frans Deguara for hosting us. Later we gathered for lunch at a nearby hotel in Qawra.

St Michael is the school it is thanks to all its members of staff, academic and non-academic.  We would like to thank each member of staff for their dedication and for the love they nurture towards the school and our students.  We wish you all a Blessed Christmas and happy holidays!

Wednesday, 21st December – Today we started the day with a spiritual message from our Chaplain.  Soon after, the show St Michael Got Talent started.  This show gives the opportunity to our students to exhibit their talents on stage.  A variety of musical instruments were played by our students while others sang.  Mr Aloisio was once again the compere for this show.  We are very pleased of our students who are so talented.  After, all students gathered with their Year teachers for their Christmas party.

After the break we all gathered again in the school hall.  It was now time for our teachers to show their talents on stage.  This year Ms Amanda Smith, Mr Darrel Pace and Mr Warren Busuttil coordinated a Eurovision show.  A number of teachers sang and imitated a number of Maltese singers who in the past years represented Malta in the Eurovision song contest.  It was indeed a happy moment shared together filled with enthusiasm.  The commitment by our staff compliments the values of our school.

The Headmaster thanked all those who took part and wished everyone a Blessed Christmas and happy holidays!



Tuesday, 20th December – And once again the annual tradition goes on!  A group of Year 11 students wrote a play with the help of Mr Aloisio.  During this farce our students enjoyed imitating some of their teachers.  This year they pretended to organise a St Michael version of the TV programme Liquorish which they named Mikelish!! This consisted of interviews to the chosen teachers.  It was a sweet time we shared together as a school, and everyone enjoyed a good laugh.  Although it was nice to see this funny play, we all appreciated the respect our students nurture towards their teachers.


Tuesday 20th December – As in previous years during Christmas time, our students offered their time to help others and give service to various organisations.  This year some students gave out Christmas cards in Valletta, Malta International Airport and neighbours who live close to our school.  Another two groups visited Dar Ħanin Samaritan, St Vincentt De Paule and another home for the elderly in Marsascala.  Another visit was at Helen Keller School which is a school for children with severe disability while another group of students went to play football with a group of refugees.  Another initiative was at Nature Trust in Marsaxlokk.  A group of students carried out cleaning work at the beach and in a valley in Birzebbuga. We also had a group of students who went to pick up organes and grapefruit from the garden of Dar Ħanin Samaritan which was later sold at school.  Our Year 11 students remained at school to prepare for the play they organised for all the school.  We appreciate that all the students took part in these initiatives, and we thank all the staff who helped and participated in these charitable events.


Tuesday, 20th December – This morning we had a procession with baby Jesus accompanied by the school band.  Fr Giovann Tabone MSSP celebrated mass which was animated by the Pastoral Care team.  We would like to thank everyone for this beautiful experience.  After a short break the students and staff gathered the groups of students and left for voluntary work in various organisations.