Happy World Teachers’ Day to all educators around the world, especially at St Michael School! Your hard work, dedication, and passion are truly inspiring. Thank you for shaping the minds of the future and making a positive impact on the lives of so many. Your commitment to education is invaluable, and we are grateful for everything you do. Wishing you all a wonderful day filled with appreciation and recognition for your important work.


“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” — Albert Einstein

Today, our school celebrated the feast of our patron saint, Saint Michael the Archangel. We started our day with a school mass. And during break time, we continued to celebrate with a good timpana!

Today, St Michael School warmly received 72 new students embarking on their academic journey in the 7th year. The day commenced with a brief assembly in the playground and a mass together with all the educators and parents in the hall. Following a welcome address by Mr. Tabone and Mr. Camilleri, the students were introduced to the guidance team and subsequently enjoyed a short break. They were then guided on a comprehensive tour of the school by their class mentors and other educators, culminating in a school-related quiz overseen by Mr. Aloisio. After another longer break, the students participated in various sports activities organized by the PE teachers and concluded the day with a meeting with their upcoming teachers. As the inaugural school day concluded, the students departed with enthusiasm for this new chapter in their educational journey. We continue to seek the protection of Saint Michael for these students and all the educators who will guide them in the times ahead.



By God’s grace today, Thursday, 19 September, the academic staff returned to school after the summer vacation break. The day commenced with a Mass at the school’s chapel, followed by an address from the School Director on behalf of the Superior General. Subsequently, the Headmaster delivered a welcome message and outlined the vision for the upcoming academic year, emphasizing the pursuit of opportunities and positive experiences. Mr. Camilleri then provided information concerning new students with diverse needs. Following a brief interlude, Mr. Aquilina addressed the Assessment Policy, SBAs, and Exams, while Mr. Debono elaborated on the initiatives planned by the Pastoral Care Team for this school year, including the Erasmus and eTwinning Projects, and highlighted key aspects of the new Collective agreement. We extend our gratitude to all staff members for their dedication to the school and wish them a rewarding and enriching year ahead.

Full-Time Learning Support Educators on an indefinite contract.

Applicants may send a detailed CV to the Board of Directors via email at [email protected] by no later than Wednesday 11th September 2024.

Dear students,

May we remind you that MATSEC is accepting registrations for the Vocational Subjects Synoptic Session 2024 until Wednesday 11 September 2024 noon, as per details communicated during the past scholastic year (https://www.um.edu.mt/matsec/current-session/subjectspecificnotices/vocational-synoptics/).

Late applications will be accepted, against payment of an administrative fee, on Thursday 12 September 2024 and Friday 13 September 2024 from 09:00 till 12:00 noon.



Kif diġà tafu l-funeral ta’ seħibna Jake Vella, Year11, se jsir nhar is-Sibt li ġej fl-10.30am fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Birżebbuġa. Kif tafu Jake qatt ma ġie l-iskola fiżikament imma lkoll nafu li ma kienx jitlef ġurnata li ma kienx jidħol online biex isegwi l-lezzjonijiet. Żgur li din id-determinazzjoni ħalliet impatt pożittiv fuq kull wieħed u waħda minnha sew studenti u anke edukaturi. Għaldaqstant nħeġġiġkom ħafna, b’mod speċjali l-istudenti tal-Year11, biex bħala komunità tal-iskola St Michael nattendu għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-ħajja tiegħu. Tkun xi ħaġa sabiħa li dawk l-istudenti li jixtiequ jissieħbu fil-korteo bir-roti dan ser jitlaq minn ħdejn Al Fresco f’Birżebbuġa fid-9am.

Inħeġġeġ ukoll biex kemm jista’ jkun nużaw it-trasport pubbliku jew nagħmlu carpooling.

Grazzi u l-paċi magħkom.

Dear all,

As you already know, the funeral of our beloved friend Jake Vella, Year 11, will take place next Saturday at 10.30 am at Birżebbuġa Parish Church. Despite not being physically present at school, Jake’s unwavering commitment to his studies, constantly logging in for lessons, has deeply impacted us all. His determination has been an inspiration to both students and educators. Therefore, I strongly encourage you, especially the Year 11 students, to attend the celebration of his life as members of the St. Michael’s School community. It would be remarkable for those students who wish to join the Corteo with bicycles. The Corteo will depart from Al Fresco in Birżebbuġa at 9am.

I also encourage you to use public transport or carpool as much as possible.

Thank you, and peace be with you.

The new Administrative Team shall be led by the Headmaster, Mr Johann Tabone, together with Mr Christopher Aquilina, Mr Simon Camilleri, and Mr Karol De Bono as Assistant Heads.  Mr De Bono is an educator who shall start his experience with our school community from this scholastic year.  We congratulate them and we are sure that their dedicated commitment will be beneficial for our students and our school.

We would also like to thank Mr Raymond D’Amato, who for more than 40 years was part of the Administrative Team.  We thank him for his dedication towards the school during these years and we wish him peace and health.

The Board of Directors.

Our school has officially begun work on an Erasmus+ Project, following a successful application process throughout the last scholastic year. The project, titled “Empowering Educators and Students: A Student-Centred Approach to Enhance Classroom Effectiveness and Reduce the Achievement Gap,” aims to transform the way we teach and learn.

Recognizing the need to increase inquiry-based learning and prioritize student agency, the project focuses on empowering both educators and students alike. This project will encourage students to take control of their learning paths and boost motivation in the classroom through a more student-centred approach. This project also aims to enhance students motivation, engagement, independence and critical thinking.

As part of this initiative, our educators will have the opportunity to travel to various European countries to enhance their teaching methodologies through varies courses and training opportunities. Additionally, groups of educators will be given the opportunity to conduct a job shadowing experience at schools in Ireland and Germany. Two groups of both educators and students will also visit these schools to collaborate further on the project.

We look forward to the positive impact this project will have on our school community, and we are eager to share our progress along the way.

STUDENT TAGĦNA MAR JILTAQA’ MAL-ĦALLIEQ – Illum waslitilna aħbar li kieku qatt ma xtaqna nisimgħu. Jake Vella, student tagħna, li f’Settembru li ġej kien se jibda l-aħħar sena tal-kors sekondarju, ħalla din id-dinja. Fis-snin li ilu fl-iskola tagħna, minħabba l-kundizzjoni tiegħu, qatt ma seta’ jiġi fiżikament fl-iskola. Tul dawn l-erba’ snin, kull meta kellu s-saħħa kien jidħol għal-lezzjonijiet online. Dejjem kien ikun assistit minn Dr Allison Mintoff Zammit, l-LSE li dejjem iffaċilitat, u assist lilu, u lill-ġenituri tiegħu b’dak kollu li kien jeħtieġ fl-istudju tiegħu. Għax kien determinat li bħall-istudenti l-oħra jagħmel l-eżamijiet tas-SEC, organizzajna laqgħa mal-MATSEC Examination Access Arrangements Board, biex nippreparaw dak kollu li jkun hemm bżonn biex f’Mejju jkun jista’ jagħmel l-eżamijiet bħall-istudenti kollha tamparu.
Żagħżugħ kuraġġuż, determinat li ma ħalla xejn jaqtagħlu qalbu. Mhux li kien iż-żgħażagħ kollha jkunu bħalu!
Il-Bord tad-Diretturi, it-Tim Amministrattiv u l-Istaff kollu tal-Iskola jesprimu l-kondoljanzi sinċiera tagħhom lill-ġenituri ta’ Jake li huma wkoll kellhom jagħmlu sagrifiċċji kbar biex jakkumpanjawh f’dak kollu li kellu bżonn. Il-fidi biss tista’ ssostnina f’dan il-mument iebes għal kulħadd. Agħtih O Mulej il-mistrieħ ta’ dejjem.
Dettalji dwar il-funeral tal-għażiż Jake jingħataw iżjed tard kif jaslulna.