During this week, our EcoSchool committee published online the 28th edition of the EcoSchool Newsletter which is published every three months.  Our students carry out all the necessary research and article writing published in these newsletters.

Thank you and keep up your good work!

As part of the Prince’s Trust syllabus, a group of seven Year 10 students had a voluntary session at Dar tal-Providenza.  Upon arrival they were divided into two groups.  One group helped in the kitchen while the other group helped in washing up and folding the laundry.  This was an educational visit to help our students learn to give a service to the community.

We would like to thank Mr Buttigieg and all the other educators who offer their service to our students.

On Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th February 2024 at school we had four seminars for parents of our Year 7 to Year 10 students.

The parents had talks about various subjects of interest prepared by our Pastoral Care Team.  It was a pleasure to see the parents participate actively during the discussions.  This reflects the love they have for their children and their wish to always improve their duty to learn and educate their children.  We encourage other parents to make their utmost to attend for these meetings which are so beneficial for them and for bringing up their children.  We thank all those who attended and our Pastoral Care Team for the continuous dedication they show towards our students and their families.

On Tuesday, 30th January all Year 9 students gathered in the school chapel for mass.  After following lessons normally at school at 13.45pm they left to Mount St Joseph in , Tarġa Gap for the much awaited live-in.  After lunch they had a brief meeting with Mr Aquilina, their assistant head who will be leading this live-in.  Once they settled in their rooms, they left for their first hike.  They spent the afternoon playing in the fields surrounding Mount St Joseph.  In the evening they had an interesting session discussing the theme of this live-in and soon after dinner they left for a night hike.  Back home they slept soundly tired but happy and ready for another full day of activities .

On Wednesday, 31st January, after breakfast, our Year 9 students had mass where they discussed the true happiness in life.  They were divided into groups to discuss better this topic.  At 10:30 they left for a hike at Bidnija were they played Scavenger Hunt.  Back home they had a tasty lunch and in the afternoon, they worked on a project which will be presented to the parents on Thursday.  In the evening they spent time playing and watched the film “Unbroken”.  They had dinner and after some time to pray they went to sleep.

On Thursday 1st February after mass they went for a nice walk to Dwejra.  In the afternoon they finished the project and had an evaluation of their experience at the live-in.  As all other live ins, this live-in came to an end.  Parents gathered for the meeting and during this meeting, the students presented the projects they worked on, and shared moments related to this live-in.  Everyone was later invited to eat something together in the school ground.

We would like to thank the students who participated in this live-in.  They truly showed maturity in their behaviour, and we wish them a life full of positive values.  We also thank the parents for entrusting their children in our care. Another big thank you goes to the members of staff who prepare these activities for our students.  We thank them for their dedication and their time to offer these memorable experiences to our students.


During the summer holidays we have started to work on this new science lab project.  We installed electricity, gas and water connections and the furniture was ordered from FXB Group.  During the past days we have also installed the new fume cupboard.  The expense for this new laboratory amounted to €45,000 and a substantial amount of this sum was collected during the school marathon which was held in December and from parents’ donations.

We would like to thank all those who helped in some way or another.  Thanks to this we have this new laboratory.


For the eleventh consecutive year, our school was awarded the LEAF AWARD.  The 2023 project was about the oaks of Marsaxlokk.  Working on this project did not only entail cleaning the place, because our students also made a documentary about it.  During this scholastic year our Eco School committee shall be using the school’s greenhouse to grow plants and bushes in collaboration with the Grow 10 Trees Project.  The presentation of the Leaf Award took place at Xrobb l-Għaġin Nature Park.  Our school presented a plant called Xorbett which they cultivated for three years.

We would like to congratulate Mr Joseph Savona and the Eco-School committee for their hard work and their commitment towards the environment.

Between Wednesday, 24th and Friday, 26th January we had the second live-in for our Year 7 students at the Conference Centre of Dar Ħanin Samaritan.  The theme during this Live-in was ‘Hope My Life is Great’.  The live-in was packed with different activities.  They had long hikes at Buskett, B’Bugia and Żurrieq and they watched and discussed the film ‘Luca’.

This live-in came to an end on Friday with a meeting for the parents were experiences lived during this live-in were shared.  The parents later gathered in the garden of the same Conference Centre.  We would like to thank the students who actively participated in this live-in.  Thank you also to the members of staff for planning and organising these memorable experiences for our students.



It was a pleasure to welcome the parents of our Year 11 students at school on Monday, 22nd January.  The seminar started with a spiritual reflection.  Soon after Mr Aloisio, our Guidance teacher shared thoughts about the responsibility these parents have towards their children.  Mr Luke Busuttil, our PE teacher spoke about the ‘true influencers’ effecting our youth’s lives.  Mr Busuttil also spoke about the importance of sport as a way of relieving the stress during examinations and study periods.  Mr Reuben Borg, our Computing teacher explained about the responsible use of ChatGPT and other AI tools when doing schoolwork.  After a short coffee break the headmaster gave information about the upcoming examinations and other activities planned for our Year 11 students.  The parents then had time to ask questions and discuss issues on the topics mentioned during this seminar.

We thank God for these parents who take care of their children’s education and for working with us for the benefit of our students and our school.