On Tuesday, 30th April our school held an open evening for prospective students and their parents.  After a short prayer, the Headmaster presented the school’s educational vision offered to our students.  Parents and children were afterwards invited for a tour around the school.  We would like to thank all those who welcomed our invitation and showed interest for their son’s education.

On Monday, 29th April we received the confirmation for the seventh consecutive time that our school was awarded the green flag.  This prestigious award proofs that our school reached international standards for working on sustainable projects.  Our school committed itself to educate our students in favour of a culture to protect and safeguard a sustainable environment.

During the assembly, the headmaster mentioned the committee students and gave this news to all the other students.  He thanked these hard-working students, together with Mr Joseph Savona and Ms Vanessa Edwards, the eco school coordinators, for their on-going commitment and for raising awareness towards creation.

On Sunday 28th April, a group of 8 students together with Ms Abdilla and Mr Borg met at the Malta International Airport at 4am to leave for a French Intensive Course in Dijon, France.  Our school has been working closely with Le Lycée les ARCADES for more than 12 years.

The main aim of this visit shall be the French course, but our students shall also be visiting cultural places like Planétarium Hubert Curien, the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, the Museum called Pain d’Épices,  the Arc de Triomphe, Les Champs-Élysées, the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Disneyland, Alexander III Bridge, and the Eiffel tower.

After a seven-hour trip they finally arrived at Dijon, a city in the east of France.  Upon arriving the students and teachers immediately took the opportunity to visit this beautiful city with its famous square Place de la Libération and Park Micaud.

We would like to thank Ms Abdilla for planning and organizing this school trip.  Thank you also to Mr Ian Borg for accompanying the group.  We congratulate the students who are participating in this project, and we wish them a fruitful experience

From Monday 22nd till Friday 26th April we organised Book Week at our school.  During this week we invited a number of personalities and authors to share their experience with our students.  On Monday Matthew Borg, secretary of the National Book Council addressed our Year 9 students while on Tuesday, Michael Cini, author of various books met our Year 7 and 8 students.  On Friday, Ben Agius author of various books suitable for teenagers met our Year 10 students.

On Wednesday, we all took part in the campaign D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read) and our Year 7 students took part in the Reading Marathon organised by Malta Libraries.  This marathon was also live-streamed on social media.  On Thursday we invited our Year 7 students parents to learn how to encourage reading.

To complement this week we organised a book sale at reduced prices at school.  We thank Mr Falzon for his dedication to promote reading and for the work he carries out in the school library.

Wednesday, 24th April – As part of the activities of the Book Week, every student and member of staff spent 15 minutes after the assembly reading a book.  Years 7 and 8 gathered in the school garden while Years 9 and 10 gathered in the school ground.  The quiet time we had during this exercise was appreciated.  Everyday, everyone should commit himself to spend some time reading.

D.E.A.R.: https://readforgood.org/dear/

Our school has vacancies for a Mathematics Teacher on a full-time indefinite contract and a Mathematics Teacher on a full-time definite contract.

Applications, including a full CV are to reach The Board of Directors, St Michael School, Cannon Road, St Venera SVR 9030 by Friday, 10th May 2024 or via email to [email protected]

Emotion Regulation Strategies for Effective Learning, and Well-Being

On Wednesday 17th April the parents were invited to join an interactive and hands-on comprehensive workshop that delves into the significance of regulating adolescents’ emotions, uncovering the key to enhancing their academic, social, and behavioural skills. By adopting targeted neuroscientific strategies, this workshop aims to equip parents with a deep understanding of the vital role emotions play in adolescents’ overall development and provide them with practical tools to promote emotional regulation effectively. These strategies also assist adults in managing their own emotions.

Guest Speaker: Dr Erika Galea MPhil/PhD Psychology & Human Development (UCL), Founder and Director of the Educational Neuroscience Hub Europe (Malta)




On Wednesday, 17th April the Superior General met all the staff of our school to inform them that the present Headmaster, Mr Raymond D’Amato will soon reach retirement age and thus he shall be retiring from his post as Headmaster.

During this meeting, the staff was also informed that Mr Johann Tabone has been selected as the new Headmaster of St Michael School, while Mr Karol P. Debono will take the role of the new Assistant Head.  These changes will take place in September 2024.

The Superior General thanked Mr D’Amato for the 45 years of service to the school, and  for the 34 years he served as Headmaster.  He congratulated Mr Tabone and Mr Debono for their new roles, convinced that they will commit themselves professionally in these new roles.

On Tuesday 16th April at school we held a meeting for our Year 8 students and their parents.  This meeting was held as preparation for the choice of option subjects the students shall be learning next year.  Mr Wayne Azzopardi, our guidance teacher explained to the students and their parents the main criteria to follow when making this choice.  Mr Azzopardi also mentioned the subjects offered to the students in their 9th Year.  After a coffee break, the headmaster addressed the meeting highlighting the importance of studying and spoke about the challenges our students face during their adolescence.

We would like to thank our guidance and PSCD teachers for their dedication towards our students to help them and guide them during these moments.  We appreciate the attendance of the parents, and we thank God for the co-operation they continually show towards our school.