On Monday, 26th September we welcomed with pleasure our new Year 7 students.  We began the day with a beautifully animated mass followed by an address by the Headmaster.  Mr Simon Camilleri, our assistant head who is in charge of these students gave out some useful information and after our Year 7 students had a school tour.  After a short break the students met the teachers who shall be teaching them during this scholastic year.

We wish a happy year full of memorable experiences to our students.

Monday, 26th September we welcomed our new Year 7 students and on Tuesday, 27th September we welcome Years 8, 9, 10 u 11.

We wish a positive year full of memorable experiences to our students and their parents.

On Thursday, 26th September we welcomed back our teaching staff after the summer holidays.  We all gathered in the school hall to start this scholastic year by celebrating mass together, followed by an address by the Director of the School and the Headmaster.

During this meeting we invited Dr James Calleja to kick start training to our teaching staff to help them in their work in order to collaborate together to offer the best service to our students where teaching is concerned.

On Friday, our Chaplain together with the School Pastoral Care team, addressed the staff by highlighting his plan for this scholastic year.  After we briefed our staff with important information regarding some new students who require particular attention.

We wish a fruitful year filled with positive experiences to our teachers and LSEs.

After a busy summer where various maintenance and cleaning works were carried out at school,  we thought of treating our non-teaching staff for a formation and recreational day at Dar Lourdes,  Għajnsielem in Gozo.  After a short talk about the school ethos we had time for discussion.  After we played some games and had lunch together.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank these members of staff who work with dedication throughout the whole summer holidays to prepare everything for the new scholastic year.

During the summer holidays every Tuesday, a group of students came to school to help out.  They cleaned the garden, the basement stores and also helped in the school library.

On Tuesday, 13th September these students were treated to some time at the beach for a swim.  Back to school they ate pizza and an ice-cream.  We would like to thank these students who took time from their holidays to carry out this work at school.  A thank you also goes to Mr Aquilina who co-ordinated this group.

We hope that you are fine and enjoying restful summer holidays.

Like previous years, this summer was a busy one with maintenance work and cleaning process going on at school.  The French, German and Italian classrooms have been painted and also the Graphical Communications room and the small Mathematics class.  The large window of Computer Lab 2 was also changed.  This was the last remaining window of the façade.

In September we shall be adding more seating in the ground and for this purpose the hole of the ‘awrikarja’ was filled with concrete to make space for the steel frame of the seats.  Our hard-working cleaners take the opportunity to give a good spring clean to the school during the summer holidays.

On the other hand, administrative school preparations are well underway too.  In the beginning of September, we shall be publishing the calendar of events, the classrooms and other useful information.

We would like to thank the non-academic staff for their hard work not only during the summer holidays but throughout the whole year.

Thanks also to you parents for your kind donations which help us carry out such maintenance work.  Without your support this could not be possible.

We wish you happy holidays for the rest of summer.

Dear students, how are you? How are you spending this time?  I understand that you might be taking it a bit easy and its only fair, after all it is summer.  But having said that, we cannot return to school in September after three idle months.  A diligent student should make sure to spend time reading a book or two, do some revision, help around with house chores and attend a group which can help him grow.  Education does not take a holiday in summer…because education is not only schooling,  but it is much more than that.

We wish you restful, fruitful and happy remaining summer holidays.

On the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the introduction of chess as part of the curriculum at St Michael School a competition was organized to have an official slogan for the school’s Chess Club. Year 7 and 8 students proposed several slogans and all Year 7 and 8 students, together with all the staff members, voted for the best one. The winner was Jake Sciberras’ of Year 7 Faith slogan: “Chess is the key to an open mind.” This is now the school’s Chess Club official slogan. Year 9 and 10 students who are studying Art and Graphic Communication made a drawing and a logo related to this slogan. Another vote was held, and the best drawing and slogan were also chosen. The best drawing was that of Terrence Camilleri of Year 10 Hope while Kayne Mercieca of Year 9 Charity won the best logo. They were rewarded at the school’s social gathering on Tuesday, July 5.

Tuesday, 5th May – This evening we organised the last activity for parents and students for this scholastic year.  The activity was held in the school ground were parents and students were invited to volunteer to take part in a funny quiz or to sing along.  Mr J P Parascandolo has once again interpreted the funny character of Prassede, from the comedy “Is-Sultan u l-Kaptan”.  This time ‘she’ was interviewed by Mr Robert Aloisio.

During this evening the students who took part in the chess competition were awarded for the best slogan, drawing and logo.  Afterwards everyone enjoyed a delicious piece of baked pasta and a refreshing drink together with a piece of watermelon!

We would like to thank Mr Aloisio for coordinating this evening, Mr Mario Debattista who takes care of ordering food and drinks throughout the whole year and other members of staff who gave a helping hand to distribute the food.  Thanks also to Mr Neville Galea Pirotta for capturing these special occasions by taking photos and Mr Peter Paul Calleja and his brother Stephen for taking care of the sound.  A heartfelt thanks to parents and students who always appreciate the activities organised by the school.

We wish a happy and restful summer holidays to everyone.

The sixteenth meeting of the EcoSchool Parliament was held on Thursday, 30th July.  The topic chosen for this year was about the changes in the climate. Ten schools were invited to present studies and actions regarding the climate and ongoing changes of the environment.

Jerome Carabott and Matthew Sammut, two Year 9 students representing the EcoSchool committee of our school presented a study of how our school is being affected by the quality of air around us considering that our school is situated in an industrial area. Our students had the opportunity to talk about their views on the subject with the Members of Parliament.

The Members of Parliament will be presented with a copy of the publication ‘We Care About Our Present and Our Future’.  This publication contains suggestions which were discussed during the mini summits by students from 107 schools. These summits were organised as a follow-up of the conference of the United Nations about climate change 2022 (COP 26 in Glasgow).

We would like to thank Mr Joseph Savona and all the members of the EcoSchool committee for their hard work throughout this scholastic year.  We congratulate Jerome and Matthew for the detailed presentation they presented in Parliament.