It is always a pleasure for us to meet with you parents.  During this week we had the opportunity to meet all the parents of our students.   These are important meetings where we discussed the educational programme for this scholastic year.

We appreciate the attendance, and the interest you parents show towards the education of your children.

Year 11: Tuesday 3rd October at 8.50am

Years 7 & 8: Thursday 5th October at 6.30pm

Years 9 & 10: Friday 6th October at 6.30pm

These are important meetings. We encourage you to do your utmost to attend.

On Friday, 29th September at school we celebrated the feast of our Patron Saint.  The celebration started with a dialogue between Saint Michael and the Angels.

Soon after Rev Dr Carl Mario Sultana celebrated mass which was animated by the school band.  After everyone was treated to a piece of Maltese timpana in the school garden.  We pray to St Michael to protect and guide us.

Yesterday we welcomed back our Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 students.  Everything ran smoothly as planned, and at 08:00 everyone, staff, and students gathered in the school hall.

The Headmaster shared some thoughts about the educational vision of our school and urged the students to behave appropriately and in a mature way.  Soon after the students were entertained with a pleasant feature animated with songs and photos related to activities held during the holidays.  The day proceeded with meetings with the respective assistant heads of each year group.  The students then had the opportunity to meet their teachers according to the timetable.  We wish a fruitful year full of positive experiences to all our students.

On Monday 25th September we welcomed our new Year 7 students at school. After mass celebration we held meetings for the students and a quiz about the school history.

We congratulate our students and wish them and their parents five years of memorable and enriching experiences.

“Thank you Lord God and forgive me Lord God, you are so good and merciful.”

With the help of this prayer we have to keep strengthening our attitude of gratefulness and praise to our Lord.

We thank Mr Warren Busuttil who designed this poster and Mr Carmel Caruana who with the help of other staff members fixed this poster in the school ground.

The bad news is: time flies. The good news is: you’re the pilot.  ~Michael Altshuler

It’s school time again! You’re probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over. Some students feel nervous or a little scared on the first day of school especially the new comers because of all the new things: new teachers, new friends, and even a new school. Luckily, these “new” worries only stick around for a little while.

These are some tips for good school days:

* Get enough sleep.

* Eat a healthy breakfast.

* Try your best.

* Develop good work habits, like writing down your assignments and turning in your homework on time.

* Take your time with school work. If you don’t understand something, ask for help.

* Keep a focused mind and sense of humour.

During this year try to make a new friends, so try to say hello to students you know and new ones that you don’t. Make the first move and you’ll be glad you did and so will your new friend!

We wish you all a successful scholastic year, full of learning experiences and joyful activities.

We have vacancies for full-time LSEs on an indefinite contracts. Applications, including a full C.V. are to reach The Board of Directors, St Michael School, Cannon Road, St Venera SVR 9030 by Wednesday 4th October 2023, or by email to [email protected]
New LSEs needed due to new statement of needs. Kindly share.

On Wednesday 20th September we welcomed back our academic staff after the summer holidays.  After a short prayer, the Superior General shared his message with all the staff.  He quoted the Greek philosopher Plutarch – “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled” and “The city before self”.  The school first and foremost, the student, colleagues before oneself…

Soon after the school Director introduced the new staff members.  The Headmaster reminded what Pope Francis said to the teachers – “I urge you to love the most ‘difficult’ students, those who do not want to study, those who find themselves in difficult situations, the disabled persons, and foreigners.  In a society which strives to find a point of reference, it is a must for youths to find this reference at school.  Your aim is to build an educational relation with each student, so that he may feel welcomed and loved”.  The headmaster also quoted, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle…Be kind.  Always”.

After lunch break, Mr Camilleri gave out information about new students with different conditions.  Mr Aquilina spoke about the Assessment Policy and Mr Tabone about the work planned by the Pastoral Team for this scholastic year.  He also shared some points about the Erasmus and e-Twinning projects.

We thank all the staff members for their dedication towards the school and we wish them a fruitful year full of positive experiences.

This was another busy summer at school.  Besides the normal day to day preparation for the new scholastic year, extensive work has been done in the Science Laboratories and Art Room.  The Art Room was transferred to ground floor level and instead of the Art Room we now have a new Laboratory so as to have all Laboratories close to each other.  We installed new gas, electricity and water systems and we ordered new furniture for the Chemistry Lab.  Repairs were made to the ceiling of the gym galleries which was damaged by water coming in from the shaft of the Dressing Rooms and extensive repairs were made to the ground fence.  Our intention was to advance in the work of the Multisensory Room but due to unforseen circumstances this was not possible.

All this work can be carried out only with the help of your generous donations.  We are committed to give the best education to our students and it is a pleasure to work with you parents to achieve this goal together.

We thank all our non academic staff for their work during this summer.