On Tuesday, 30th January all Year 9 students gathered in the school chapel for mass. After following lessons normally at school at 13.45pm they left to Mount St Joseph in , Tarġa Gap for the much awaited live-in. After lunch they had a brief meeting with Mr Aquilina, their assistant head who will be leading this live-in. Once they settled in their rooms, they left for their first hike. They spent the afternoon playing in the fields surrounding Mount St Joseph. In the evening they had an interesting session discussing the theme of this live-in and soon after dinner they left for a night hike. Back home they slept soundly tired but happy and ready for another full day of activities .
On Wednesday, 31st January, after breakfast, our Year 9 students had mass where they discussed the true happiness in life. They were divided into groups to discuss better this topic. At 10:30 they left for a hike at Bidnija were they played Scavenger Hunt. Back home they had a tasty lunch and in the afternoon, they worked on a project which will be presented to the parents on Thursday. In the evening they spent time playing and watched the film “Unbroken”. They had dinner and after some time to pray they went to sleep.
On Thursday 1st February after mass they went for a nice walk to Dwejra. In the afternoon they finished the project and had an evaluation of their experience at the live-in. As all other live ins, this live-in came to an end. Parents gathered for the meeting and during this meeting, the students presented the projects they worked on, and shared moments related to this live-in. Everyone was later invited to eat something together in the school ground.
We would like to thank the students who participated in this live-in. They truly showed maturity in their behaviour, and we wish them a life full of positive values. We also thank the parents for entrusting their children in our care. Another big thank you goes to the members of staff who prepare these activities for our students. We thank them for their dedication and their time to offer these memorable experiences to our students.