Play ‘Sitta u Sitta, Tnax’ – The play we held during the activity Lingwa Viva had an educational message. An original play which featured different characters from the literature of the six languages taught at our school. The story was about a group of six adolescents who do not like to read, and who, little by little discover the fantastic world of literature… six modern adoloscents.. six classic books..
We would like to thank all those who gave their utmost to make this play a successful one – Mr Robert Aloisio, who penned the play, Ms Shaian Debono for directing ‘Sitta u Sitta, Tnax’, all the students and members of staff who took part and who helped back stage, Mr Peter Paul Calleja and his brother Stephen and Mr Reuben Borg for providing the sound system, Mr Ian Borg for the light settings, Mr Warren Busuttil for the presentations, Mr Neville Galea Pirotta for taking photos and all those who helped to set up the stage.
A big well done and heartfelt thanks to all.