During the above mentioned year, Italian students in Year 8, 10 and 11 participated in 3 eTwinning projects with students from other schools in Italy .
Leggende dei nostri territori
Italian students in Year 8 at St. Michael School in Santa Venera, Malta, participated in this project along with Italian students from ICS “Don Lorenzo Milani” Monte Porzio Catone (Rome).
“Each territory has its own landscape, as well as a literary, historical-artistic, ethnographic, and artisanal tradition that is worth rediscovering and told about”. The project therefore proposes to make one’s own territory known, by promoting the comparison between different territories. This is done by starting with legends, and then moving on to other realities present in the area.”
La Nostra Storia: il nostro passato, il nostro presente
Year 10 students of Italian partecipated in this project along with students from 3 different Italian schools: Istituto Comprensivo 3 di Sora. Liceo Scientico Leonardo da Vinci, Sora, e Istituto Tecnico Agrario, Alvito.
“The project aims to help students rediscover their own territory, by drawing comparisons between different territories. This can be done by describing historical evidence such as castles, towers, abbeys, and so on, and then moving on to other realities present in the area such as festivals, typical dishes and traditions.”
Giornalino dei giovani
Year 11 students of Italian at St. Michael School in Santa Venera, Malta, participated in this project along with students from Liceo Scientifico Leonardo da Vinci, Sora.
“On taking up the project named “Giornalino dei Giovani”, the students are invited to create an eBook with articles based on themes related to sport, technology, and the environment. All the articles, according to different themes, are to reflect a particular topic, set every month. Once the articles are read, the students are able to work together by creating “blogs” on Twinspace, through which they are eventually required to share all the knowledge acquired from such articles that they have written themselves.”