Emotion Regulation Strategies for Effective Learning, and Well-Being

On Wednesday 17th April the parents were invited to join an interactive and hands-on comprehensive workshop that delves into the significance of regulating adolescents’ emotions, uncovering the key to enhancing their academic, social, and behavioural skills. By adopting targeted neuroscientific strategies, this workshop aims to equip parents with a deep understanding of the vital role emotions play in adolescents’ overall development and provide them with practical tools to promote emotional regulation effectively. These strategies also assist adults in managing their own emotions.

Guest Speaker: Dr Erika Galea MPhil/PhD Psychology & Human Development (UCL), Founder and Director of the Educational Neuroscience Hub Europe (Malta)




On Wednesday, 17th April the Superior General met all the staff of our school to inform them that the present Headmaster, Mr Raymond D’Amato will soon reach retirement age and thus he shall be retiring from his post as Headmaster.

During this meeting, the staff was also informed that Mr Johann Tabone has been selected as the new Headmaster of St Michael School, while Mr Karol P. Debono will take the role of the new Assistant Head.  These changes will take place in September 2024.

The Superior General thanked Mr D’Amato for the 45 years of service to the school, and  for the 34 years he served as Headmaster.  He congratulated Mr Tabone and Mr Debono for their new roles, convinced that they will commit themselves professionally in these new roles.

On Tuesday 16th April at school we held a meeting for our Year 8 students and their parents.  This meeting was held as preparation for the choice of option subjects the students shall be learning next year.  Mr Wayne Azzopardi, our guidance teacher explained to the students and their parents the main criteria to follow when making this choice.  Mr Azzopardi also mentioned the subjects offered to the students in their 9th Year.  After a coffee break, the headmaster addressed the meeting highlighting the importance of studying and spoke about the challenges our students face during their adolescence.

We would like to thank our guidance and PSCD teachers for their dedication towards our students to help them and guide them during these moments.  We appreciate the attendance of the parents, and we thank God for the co-operation they continually show towards our school.

On Friday, 12th April our school took part in the Inter-Schools Chess Tournament held at St Nicholas College Dingli.  During this competition, a total of 188 students formed 52 teams from 22 different schools around Malta.

Our school participated with three teams:  St Michael Magnus formed by Kyle Cassar, Isaac Sacco, Zack Silvio, and Kyle Sammut; St Michael Kasparov formed by Carl Thorne, Manuel Cutajar Lofaro, Thomas Ellul and Gianluca Aber; and St Michael Karpov formed by Wayne Vella, Thomas Cassar, Thomas Cassar, Stephen Edwards, and Nicolai Mangion.

Last year our teams placed second and fifth place, and this year we had another successful participation.  The team St Michael Magnus placed third place and brought another trophy at school.  St Michael Kasparov placed sixth while Karpov placed tenth place.  We deem this result as a very successful one, considering that 3 teams placed with the first 10 places out of 52 teams.

Besides the excellent result obtained our students showed their skills throughout the whole tournament.

We congratulate all the students who took part in this competition and the Malta Federation of Chess for the organisation of this activity.  We thank Mr Alex Farrugia for his commitment and dedication and for teaching Chess to our students.

On Tuesday 30th April at 7.00pm we shall be organising a meeting for the boys and parents who are in the process of choosing a secondary school for their children.  After the meeting there will be time to go around the school premises.

In the meantime, we invite you to watch this video: https://bit.ly/2XRTf9b

Further information can also be accessed through the following links:

– Website: https://www.stmichaelschool.edu.mt/

– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmichaelschoolmalta/

– YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SaintMichaelSchoolSantaVeneraMalta

It is our pleasure to meet you and we hope to see you all at school.

Thanks and peace to all.

“Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said.” (Matthew 28: 5-6)

Alleluia! He is risen! This is the most joyous feast of the year. Christ’s death and resurrection is the foundation of the Christian Faith.

The church is now filled with the spirit of Jesus and with His Light. It is no longer silent as we join our songs of praise with the choirs in heaven.  We are reminded of Christ’s promise “I will give you a joy which no one will take from you.” (John 16:22). Easter is the beginning of our new life with Christ. Although our Lenten Journey is complete don’t forget to create times of prayer in your daily lives where you can spend time with our Risen Lord.



Holy Saturday, Morning Reflections

Most families gather together after a funeral. It is a time to console one another, share memories of the deceased one, and offer one another support during the healing days ahead.

O Jesus, Son of God, You were born in a stable and died on the cross for our salvation.

Say to your heavenly Father at the hour of my death: “Father, forgive them.”

Say to your loving mother: “Behold your daughter, behold your son.”

Say to my soul: “This day you shall be with me in Paradise.”

“My God, my God, do not abandon me” in that hour.

“I thirst,” my God, yes, my soul thirsts for you, the fountain of living waters.

My life passes like a shadow. Yet a little while and “it is finished.”

So, my Savior, from this moment and for all eternity, “Into your hands, I commend my spirit.”

Lord Jesus, receive my soul. Amen.



Good Friday

Readings: Isaiah 52:13-53: 12; Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9; John 18:1-19, 42

Jesus stretches out His Hands between heaven and earth. The curtain in the Temple that separated the people from God is ripped in two. A new bridge has been established between God and us. The bridge is Jesus Who, now crucified, will never die again. He lives forever as our passageway to the living God! From His cross the Lord also gives us Mary to be the Mother of all believers. Through this last deed of Jesus we discover that the nature of the Church is to be a spiritual family. Mary helps to solidify in the spiritual family of the Church the values of humility, joy, interior peace, and simple piety.

The readings present us with the end of a stage of history. No longer must humanity be dragged by its fears, sit in unforgiven sins, and live at the mercy of the evil spirit. Now begins the era of the New Covenant of God with humanity marked by the Spirit of God. When Jesus gives up His Spirit, the Spirit doesn’t die but instead fills the Church. As Isaiah prophesies: “See, my servant shall prosper, he shall be raised high and greatly exalted.” (Isaiah 52:13)

In this year of the new creation make forgiveness and peace hallmarks of your life.

Let us pray: Lord, by the suffering of Christ your Son you have saved is all from the death we inherited from sinful Adam. By the law of nature we have borne the likeness of his manhood. May the sanctifying power of grace help us to put on the likeness of our Lord in heaven who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

Wednesday, 20th March, a group of six Year 9 and 10 students went to Youth Agency to participate in the Young Parliamentarians.  They took part in four debates and competed with other schools.  Our students were well prepared and discussed various arguments about modern architecture, national feasts etc.  These students were given training by our teachers and by members of the Youth Agency on how to criticise and build opinions against or in favour from their own research.  The jury present made positive remarks to our students.  We would like to thank and congratulate our students for their participation, and we also thank Mr Ryan Galea, Ms Christine Meli and Ms Amanda Smith who co-ordinated this exercise.  Thanks also to the Youth Agency for the support it offers us.

During this term, our Year 9 and 10 students who participate in the Prince’s Trust Achieve worked on an Entrepreneurship programme.  Together they organised and prepared a hot dog and orange juice day to be sold during Sports Day.  In total, a number of 400 hotdogs were sold and a total of 130kg oranges were squeezed into orange juice.  We would like to thank the sponsors who helped us in this project, especially the Pg Group for donating the sausages, the Danish Bakery for providing the buns and Clive’s Fruit and Vegetables for donating the onions used for the hot dogs.  Thanks to this activity a profit of €1000 was made.  This shall be used to buy further resources for the PTI.  Many thanks to teachers Ms Rachel Aquilina, Ms Laura Cachia and LSEs Ms Domenique Vella and Ms Pamela Farrugia for their commitment and for helping our students.

Our Maltese teachers organised a cooking activity for our Year 7 students in connection with their reading ability and part of the LOFs.  The Year 7 students, together with their teachers prepared and baked the kwarezimal.  Together they analysed and discussed the ingredients and other general information about this traditional Lenten sweet.  The intention of this activity was for the students to make this recipe and understand better while tasting the ingredients in the process.  This helped them understand better the reading comprehension task they were assigned to do.

We would like to thank Ms Anne Marie Camilleri and Ms Francesca Scicluna for this initiative.