Dear students, how are you? How are you spending this time?  I understand that you might be taking it a bit easy and its only fair, after all it is summer.  But having said that, we cannot return to school in September after three idle months.  A diligent student should make sure to spend time reading a book or two, do some revision, help around with house chores and attend a group which can help him grow.  Education does not take a holiday in summer…because education is not only schooling,  but it is much more than that.

We wish you restful, fruitful and happy remaining summer holidays.

On the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the introduction of chess as part of the curriculum at St Michael School a competition was organized to have an official slogan for the school’s Chess Club. Year 7 and 8 students proposed several slogans and all Year 7 and 8 students, together with all the staff members, voted for the best one. The winner was Jake Sciberras’ of Year 7 Faith slogan: “Chess is the key to an open mind.” This is now the school’s Chess Club official slogan. Year 9 and 10 students who are studying Art and Graphic Communication made a drawing and a logo related to this slogan. Another vote was held, and the best drawing and slogan were also chosen. The best drawing was that of Terrence Camilleri of Year 10 Hope while Kayne Mercieca of Year 9 Charity won the best logo. They were rewarded at the school’s social gathering on Tuesday, July 5.

Tuesday, 5th May – This evening we organised the last activity for parents and students for this scholastic year.  The activity was held in the school ground were parents and students were invited to volunteer to take part in a funny quiz or to sing along.  Mr J P Parascandolo has once again interpreted the funny character of Prassede, from the comedy “Is-Sultan u l-Kaptan”.  This time ‘she’ was interviewed by Mr Robert Aloisio.

During this evening the students who took part in the chess competition were awarded for the best slogan, drawing and logo.  Afterwards everyone enjoyed a delicious piece of baked pasta and a refreshing drink together with a piece of watermelon!

We would like to thank Mr Aloisio for coordinating this evening, Mr Mario Debattista who takes care of ordering food and drinks throughout the whole year and other members of staff who gave a helping hand to distribute the food.  Thanks also to Mr Neville Galea Pirotta for capturing these special occasions by taking photos and Mr Peter Paul Calleja and his brother Stephen for taking care of the sound.  A heartfelt thanks to parents and students who always appreciate the activities organised by the school.

We wish a happy and restful summer holidays to everyone.

The sixteenth meeting of the EcoSchool Parliament was held on Thursday, 30th July.  The topic chosen for this year was about the changes in the climate. Ten schools were invited to present studies and actions regarding the climate and ongoing changes of the environment.

Jerome Carabott and Matthew Sammut, two Year 9 students representing the EcoSchool committee of our school presented a study of how our school is being affected by the quality of air around us considering that our school is situated in an industrial area. Our students had the opportunity to talk about their views on the subject with the Members of Parliament.

The Members of Parliament will be presented with a copy of the publication ‘We Care About Our Present and Our Future’.  This publication contains suggestions which were discussed during the mini summits by students from 107 schools. These summits were organised as a follow-up of the conference of the United Nations about climate change 2022 (COP 26 in Glasgow).

We would like to thank Mr Joseph Savona and all the members of the EcoSchool committee for their hard work throughout this scholastic year.  We congratulate Jerome and Matthew for the detailed presentation they presented in Parliament.

Between Monday 26th and Wednesday 29th June we held the Year 10 live-in in Dar Lourdes Għajnsielem, Gozo.  This was the second live-in the school organised in Dar Lourdes which has been recently renovated and run by the Dominican nuns.

After mass celebration our Year 10 students left school to catch the Gozo ferry by coach.  Once arrived and settled they had the first session entitled “Nies ta’ Sinsla” to compliment the topic of this live-in “Ħajja ta’ Valur”.  After lunch they watched the film “The Ride” (2020), a story about a boy who had childhood problems but eventually found his way forward in life.  They then headed for a swim which ended with a barbeque by the sea.

The next day started by mass at the Għajnsielem parish and soon after our students watched the second part of the film.  Later, Joseph and Shaun, two MUSEUM members from Gozo shared their experience.  Mr Lelio Spiteri, Headmaster of Happy School, and Mr Oliver Aquilina our new school chaplain also shared experiences with our students.

In the afternoon, our Year 10 students spent time swimming in the pool of Dar Lourdes.  They had a wonderful time together! Later on in the evening they were treated to a delicious pizza prepared by the sisters and a piece of cake sent by Ms Alison Spiteri. It was indeed a day well spent!

Wednesday, 29th June was the third and last day of the live-in.  A mass to celebrate the feast of St Peter and St Paul was held in the chapel of Dar Lourdes by Fr Daniel Galea O.Carm.  The rest of the morning was left free for the students to swim or play board games in the yard.  After lunch which consisted of lasagna prepared by the sisters, everyone gathered in the hall for an exercise of evaluation about the live-in.  It was an emotional moment to see how much the students appreciated all that the teachers had done to make this live-in an unforgettable and special one!

We would like to thank Mr Johann Tabone, Assistant Head, Mr Robert Aloisio, Guidance Teacher, Mr Warren Busuttil, Mr Gafa and Mr Jean Paul Parascandolo, teachers from our school who attended the live-in and other teachers and members of staff who came to Gozo to spend time with our students.  For sure we shall all remember fondly the Year 10, 2022 live-in!