During  the past week we held meetings for parents of all the students in our school.

After a short prayer the Headmaster together with the respective Assistant Heads briefed the parents with important information regarding the school’s vision on education together with the program of the work planned for this scholastic year.  The parents were then invited to meet informally downstairs to share a cup of coffee and socialise together.

As in previous years the attendance for these meetings was a very good one.  We appreciate, not only the presence of these parents but their interest in the school and in their children’s education.  We thank everyone for co-operating and for their trust in our school.

Thanks and peace to all.


Sunday, 2nd October – Today our Year 10 students who participate in the Prince’s Trust International Achieve visited the Birgu Candlelight Company.  There they had the opportunity to see the process of how candles are prepared.  This visit was part of the module “Undertaking an Enterprise Project” which forms part of the Prince’s Trust International Achieve.  This module gives an opportunity to our students to learn how to plan, produce and market a financial business.

We would like to thank the management of the Birgu Candlelight Company for hosting and helping our students.  Thanks also to Ms Josianne Debono Tanti, the teacher who organised this visit and co-ordinated this project.





Thursday, 29th September – Today at school we celebrated together the feast of our patron saint – St Michael.

This celebration started with a form of debate by two students, one representing St Michael and the other one, the devil.  While the devil tried to impress, St Michael showed the true side of him by accusing him of being a master in lying.  This debate had its humoristic side but the message behind all this was that the good always wins over the bad.

After Rev Dr Carl Mario Sultana celebrated mass which was animated by our Year 11 students.  Like always, we then all headed downstairs for a piece of baked pasta, a tradition for the feast of our patron saint St Michael.

We would like to thank all those who helped in the preparation of this celebration.

Tuesday, 27th September – Today our school welcomed all the students.  The Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 students had meetings with their respective assistant heads and class teachers.  The Year 7 students had meetings with their guidance teachers and the class teachers.  Between 09:15 and 14:30 lessons were held as per scheduled timetable.

We wish a fruitful year to all our students.  A scholastic year full of happiness, learning and formation.

On Monday, 26th September we welcomed with pleasure our new Year 7 students.  We began the day with a beautifully animated mass followed by an address by the Headmaster.  Mr Simon Camilleri, our assistant head who is in charge of these students gave out some useful information and after our Year 7 students had a school tour.  After a short break the students met the teachers who shall be teaching them during this scholastic year.

We wish a happy year full of memorable experiences to our students.

Monday, 26th September we welcomed our new Year 7 students and on Tuesday, 27th September we welcome Years 8, 9, 10 u 11.

We wish a positive year full of memorable experiences to our students and their parents.

On Thursday, 26th September we welcomed back our teaching staff after the summer holidays.  We all gathered in the school hall to start this scholastic year by celebrating mass together, followed by an address by the Director of the School and the Headmaster.

During this meeting we invited Dr James Calleja to kick start training to our teaching staff to help them in their work in order to collaborate together to offer the best service to our students where teaching is concerned.

On Friday, our Chaplain together with the School Pastoral Care team, addressed the staff by highlighting his plan for this scholastic year.  After we briefed our staff with important information regarding some new students who require particular attention.

We wish a fruitful year filled with positive experiences to our teachers and LSEs.

After a busy summer where various maintenance and cleaning works were carried out at school,  we thought of treating our non-teaching staff for a formation and recreational day at Dar Lourdes,  Għajnsielem in Gozo.  After a short talk about the school ethos we had time for discussion.  After we played some games and had lunch together.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank these members of staff who work with dedication throughout the whole summer holidays to prepare everything for the new scholastic year.

During the summer holidays every Tuesday, a group of students came to school to help out.  They cleaned the garden, the basement stores and also helped in the school library.

On Tuesday, 13th September these students were treated to some time at the beach for a swim.  Back to school they ate pizza and an ice-cream.  We would like to thank these students who took time from their holidays to carry out this work at school.  A thank you also goes to Mr Aquilina who co-ordinated this group.

We hope that you are fine and enjoying restful summer holidays.

Like previous years, this summer was a busy one with maintenance work and cleaning process going on at school.  The French, German and Italian classrooms have been painted and also the Graphical Communications room and the small Mathematics class.  The large window of Computer Lab 2 was also changed.  This was the last remaining window of the façade.

In September we shall be adding more seating in the ground and for this purpose the hole of the ‘awrikarja’ was filled with concrete to make space for the steel frame of the seats.  Our hard-working cleaners take the opportunity to give a good spring clean to the school during the summer holidays.

On the other hand, administrative school preparations are well underway too.  In the beginning of September, we shall be publishing the calendar of events, the classrooms and other useful information.

We would like to thank the non-academic staff for their hard work not only during the summer holidays but throughout the whole year.

Thanks also to you parents for your kind donations which help us carry out such maintenance work.  Without your support this could not be possible.

We wish you happy holidays for the rest of summer.