Year 9 Economics students visited Consolidated Biscuits Ltd. They were given a tour around the factory where they saw the whole process of making soft and hard dough for different types of biscuits. They had time to ask questions regarding resources used and how the company incorporates sustainable development measures. We would like to thank Ms Marcelle Sapiano for the tour she gave to our students and professional service.


During this week Mr Savona is following  a course on Teaching Outside the Classroom and Inclusivity in Rovigo in the Veneto region, Italy.  Besides the theoretical part of this course, it also offers observations of lessons and experiences of agritourism in Carezza Bella.

Mr Savona was nominated from the EkoSchool team and from Nature Trust Malta.  We congratulate Mr Savona and wish him a wonderful experience.



Between Wednesday, 16th and Friday, 18th November our Year 7 students had their first live-in at Dar il-Ħanin Samaritan.

After a brief talk by Mr Camilleri our keen students left school enthusiastically on Wednesday afternoon to start their first live-in together.  After lunch, our Year 7 students left to Dingli for a hike.  It was an enjoyable afternoon together! Then back at Dar Ħanin they had dinner and watched the film Pinocchio together.

On Thursday, after mass celebration and breakfast the students had a discussion on the film they watched yesterday.  Then they split up in groups and had a session to get to know each other better.  The live-in proceeded with lunch and another hike, this time to Salib tal-Għolja in Siġġiewi.  In the evening they played football in the school ground and had a treasure hunt.

The last day of the live-in began with mass and breakfast.  Soon after, our students left for their last hike to Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq.  They ended the hike playing football at the Pembroke Museum.  In the afternoon they watched the classic film Matilda and after had time for evaluation.

At 6pm the parents started arriving. They gathered in the hall for a talk by Mr Farrugia, our Religion teacher who highlighted some important points about upbringing and discipline in youths.  Soon after the students joined their parents and together they watched photos taken during the live-in.  The live-in ended with a get together in the garden.

We would like to thank Mr Camilleri who co-ordinated this live-in and all the teachers and LSEs who generously commit their time to make these live-ins a memborable experience for our students.


The Year 8 students who are learning Italian prepared a Christmas card for their penfriend as part of the eTwinning project.  We thank Ms Sharon Abdilla for this initiative.

On Tuesday, 15th November the school basketball team participated in a competition at Savio College.  Our students had the opportunity to mix with other students from different schools.

We would like to thank Mr Busuttil, our PE teacher for co-ordinating this basketball team and thanks also to our students who took part in this competition.

Today the group of Year 9 students who follow the Prince’s Trust course at school had an assignment about Healthy Lifestyle where they had to plan a nutritious meal.  They bought the necessary ingredients and together with their teacher they prepared a plate of rice with chicken, orange juice and fruit and yogurt parfait.

We would like to thank Ms Laura Cachia and Ms Sarah Camilleri for this initiative.


The Year 8 live-in kicked off on Wednesday, 2nd November.  It was held at Mount St Joseph Retreat House.  The enthusiastic Year 8 students gathered for this much awaited live-in at 3pm.  They set off for a hike in the area and later had a discussion related to the theme of this live-in.  After dinner they watched part of the first part of the film Wonder. 

On Thursday, 3rd November our students woke up for another full day of activities.  After breakfast and mass, they watched three short features and had a discussion on each one.  A number of LSEs present explained different conditions they cope with on a daily basis highlighting the live-in theme.

After a delicious lunch they left for a hike from Manikata to Gnejna enjoying the beautiful views.  Back at the retreat house they had dinner and continued watching the second part of the film Wonder.

On Friday 4th November the students had breakfast and after mass they discussed the film Wonder. Soon after they started working on a project where they were invited to show their creativity by preparing posters and slogans on the theme of human dignity and inclusion.  After lunch they set off to Buskett and they played organised games prepared by the teachers.  The live-in came to an end with the participation of the parents.  We would like to thank the parents for their appreciation they show towards the work we carry out with their children.

 We would also like to thank the members of staff for the time and dedication they offer to our students during these activities to make these experiences memorable.  Thanks also to the staff and volunteers of Mount St Joseph for their patience and services they offer.

Soon after World War 2, the Education in Malta was not available to all those who wanted to learn.  Secondary Education was not compulsory like it is nowadays and at that time there was only one lyceum and only a couple of church secondary schools.  Anthony Agius, who was a Dockyard employer from Ħamrun, and also a member of the Museum Society, felt the need to open a school with the intention to prepare boys for an apprentice exam which would enable them to join the Dockyard.  In 1946, Mr Agius resigned from work, risking his financial income.

Anthony Agius explained how he had met Dun George Preca on the stairs of the San Gaetan Church in Ħamrun and told him about his idea.” Next Monday Villa Violette will open as a school and all the teachers shall be members of the Society of Christian Doctrine”.  Dun George was very pleased with the news and asked Mr Agius to kneel down so he could give him his blessing.  This happened exactly 76years ago, on the 4th of November 1946 when Anthony Agius became the first Headmaster of St Michael School, assisted by Carmel Callus, Superior General of the Society.  That day the school welcomed its first pupils of St Michael School in Villa Violette, Marsa.

We thank God for the inspiration of Anthony Agius, the blessing of Saint George Preca, and the hard work of many educators and workers of the school throughout all these years.  It is thanks to them that till today so much good is delivered and so many fruitful experiences are shared. Let us all unite together to thank God for all the blessings we received and keep receiving.


During these holidays, a movable partition in the Physics Laboratory was installed in order to create two learning areas.  Although the school premises offer large space there are times when we still need more learning space especially for the Science groups.

The reason for opting for a movable partition instead of a permanent gypsum wall is to keep enjoying this laboratory when the need arises.

We would like to thank Project Technik Ltd for their professional work and for adhering to the terms established.  Thanks also to our staff at school for their work and for cleaning the laboratory, and heartfelt thanks to you parents for supporting us with your donations so that we can undertake projects like this.  The cost of this partition amounted to €15,500.


Everyone deserves to have a rest.  We thank God for the first five weeks of this scholastic year. School life has been full of activity.  We had parents’ meetings, CaritasFest and various activities for our students.  We look forward to continue this scholastic year with enthusiasm!