Monday, 19th December – Today we proceeded with our Christmas programme.  Our Year 7 students had the opportunity to reflect on various aspects of life related to the Christmas season.  The theme discussed was ‘A Saviour is Born’, the news proclaimed by the angels to the shepherds when they announced the birth of Baby Jesus.  The students had five different groups: Christmas at the MUSEUM, the Christmas tree and gifts, the advent calendar, the Christmas sweets, and the crib.  The students had time to reflect on each theme and think about it. They then prayed the novena together.

Our Year 8 students reflected on the theme ‘Myself as part of the crib’.  First, they discussed what virtues we find in five of the crib figures chosen.  These were Mary, Joseph, the three kings, the shepherds of Bethlehem and Baby Jesus.  Besides the singing, the discussions and time of prayer, they had the opportunity to reflect on how they can apply these virtues in everyday life.

The Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 students watched the play ‘Bambini Misruqa’ and after they had a discussion on different aspects of the play.

    We would like to thank a number of members of staff who worked together to give another great spiritual experience to our students.

On Monday and Tuesday 5 and 6 December, an activity was organised for all Year 10 and Year 11 students at St Joseph Home, St Venera. A number of teachers and LESs, together with the school chaplain, were present as well.

Fr Giovann Tabone MSSP helped us to reflect on who God is for us, what images of God we have and where does our relationship with him stand. It was a suitable occasion for all of us, most especially during this Advent season, to grow deeper in our relationship with God, our Father and faithful, loving and forgiving companion.

After the input from Fr Giovann and the discussion that ensued, the activity was concluded with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

We would like to thank the Mr Oliver Aquilina, our School Chaplain and Mr Antoine Azzopardi, our Religion Teacher for making this experience possible.


On Monday our School’s Marathon Walk was held after an absence of two years. After assembly at 08:15 all the school set off for the marathon walk in lovely weather.  The headmaster announced that the sum of €10,400 was collected.  He thanked all the students for their commitment.

The coaches took us to Żurrieq, which was the starting point of the marathon walk.  We could all enjoy a panoramic view of the surroundings.  At around 09:15 it was time to set off for our walk.  We proceeded towards Wardija, and we soon reached Wied Fulija.  There we stopped for a short break before we continued our walk to Wied Żnuber till we reached Ħal Far where once again we stopped to eat and rest.  During our walk we could enjoy the tranquillity of the Maltese countryside.  It was a beautiful sight to see about 320 students and 50 members of staff walking together.  At noon we reached Birżebbuġa, and the students spent time playing in the football ground.  The games room of the Birżebbuġa MUSEUM was also available for those students who preferred playing indoors.

At 13:15 we left with the coaches to go back to school.  Back at school, the headmaster praised the students for their excellent behaviour during the marathon walk and thanked God for another wonderful experience.


On Friday we held our much-awaited school concert once again.  The school hall was packed with students, members of staff and parents.  The evening was a mixture of Christmas songs, hymns by the school band, poetry and the Christmas play. This year an original play by Robert Aloisio was held. It was directed by Mikiel Camilleri Haber with the help of a number of staff members and students.

We would like to thank all those who worked hard during these past weeks to make this Christmas concert a successful one., particularly Mr Camilleri Haber for coordinating the play ‘Bambini Misruqa’ and Ms Meli for coordinating the school band.  We would also like to thank Mr Calleja and Mr Borg for the sound and projections, Mr Aloisio for coordinating the event, Mr Debattista for preparing for the reception held after the concert and all the non-academic staff who decorated and cleaned the school.  Finally, we would like to thank the parents for their presence at the concert and thanks to our students who give us this opportunity to work together. Thanks, and peace to everyone.


Tuesday, 6th December – A group of students from Year 8 and Year 10 participated in a competition entitled German Speaking Champions which was held at St Ignatius Secondary School, Handaq.

During this activity, our students had the opportunity to practice spoken German and learn new things.  They were awarded a certificate of participation and our school was given a resource pack which shall be used during the German lessons.  We congratulate these students and thank Mr Parascandalo for coordinating this activity.

Today our Year 7 and Year 8 students had the opportunity to meet Trevor Zahra,  the famous all time Maltese author who is popular with both children and adolescents.  Our students interviewed Mr Zahra by asking him questions they had prepared about his career and about the many books he wrote.  The school band animated this meeting, and we also had an exhibition of paintings by our Year 8 and Year 9 art students.  After the interview, Terence Camilleri, a Year 11 student presented a painting to Trevor Zahra entitled “L-Avventuri ta’ Trevor Żahra” as a token of thanks for this famous Maltese author.

Trevor Zahra autographed books for our students. We would like to thank the Maltese and Art teachers and the LSEs for their help and for making this visit possible.



As part of the preparation programme for post-secondary education, our year 11 students went for an organised visit to the Main Campus, MCAST in Paola.

Besides the meetings with the guidance teachers, our students had also the opportunity to visit the Institutes of Engineering and Transport, Information Technology, Business Management, Community Services and Applied Sciences.  We would like to thank the MCAST counsellor and guidance teachers for the opportunities they offer to our students.


Between Wednesday, 23th and Friday, 25th November our Year 7 students had their second live-in at Dar il-Ħanin Samaritan.

After a brief talk by Mr Camilleri our keen students left school enthusiastically on Wednesday afternoon to start their first live-in together.  After lunch, our Year 7 students left to Dingli for a hike.  It was an enjoyable afternoon together! Then back at Dar Ħanin they had dinner and watched the film Pinocchio together.

On Thursday, after mass celebration and breakfast the students had a discussion on the film they watched yesterday.  Then they split up in groups and had a session to get to know each other better.  The live-in proceeded with lunch and another hike, this time to Salib tal-Għolja in Siġġiewi.  In the evening they played football in the school ground and had a treasure hunt.

The last day of the live-in began with mass and breakfast.  Soon after, our students left for their last hike to Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq.  They ended the hike playing football at the Pembroke Museum.  In the afternoon they watched the classic film Matilda and after had time for evaluation.

At 6pm the parents started arriving. They gathered in the hall for a talk by Mr Farrugia, our Religion teacher who highlighted some important points about upbringing and discipline in youths.  Soon after the students joined their parents and together they watched photos taken during the live-in.  The live-in ended with a get together in the garden.

We would like to thank Mr Camilleri who co-ordinated this live-in and all the teachers and LSEs who generously commit their time to make these live-ins a memborable experience for our students.