On Wednesday, 24th May we dedicated a whole day of reflection with the members of staff.  After a moment of prayer and information by the Headmaster, Ms Maria Mizzi an Occupational Therapist within the Secretariat made a presentation about the Multi-Sensory Room.  This is a project we shall be working on in the coming days.  The staff then gathered in groups to discuss the planning of the SDP for the next scholastic year 2023/2024.  We would like to thank our staff for all their dedication towards the school and the students.


Between Tuesday 2nd and Tuesday 9th May and between Monday 15th and Friday 19th May, two groups of teachers from the Istituto Aberghiero G. Giolitti Mondovi spent a whole week in our school.  They had meetings with the Administrative team of the school and met many of our teachers.  They followed lessons and spent time with staff members and students.  The opportunity to meet foreign teachers enable us to share the practices we follow at school and at the same time make new friends and learn through these experiences.


On the second day our students and teachers visited the Istituto Tecnico Agrario, the school in Alvito and after they went for a stroll in the centre were they met the mayor and vice-mayor.  In the afternoon they visited the upper part of Alvito were they walked along the medieval village and saw the remains of the castle.  They proceeded to Monte Cassino and visited a Benedictine monastery, the place were Saint Benedict lived.  Our students and teachers also visited a cemetry called Pollakk, a place in the Appenine mountains were a big number of soldiers were buried during the Italian invasion.

On the third day they participated in a number of activities at the school in Sora.  They sang along “We are the People” with the choir, attended part of the play on Dante Alighieri, saw ceramic works done by the Italian students, played a traditional sports game called Ischermi and had a party with typical local food.  They also visited a gothic Cathedral dedicated to St Dominic and in the afternoon they went to Isola dei Liri, a small village with a waterfall in the centre and there they had time to visit a private castle which was the property of the duke of Vale di Comino.  Certainly experiences which they shall never forget.

As part of the preparation for the choice of subjects we organised a meeting at school for our Year 8 students and their parents.  Our Guidance teachers explained to our students the criterias they should keep in mind when making their choice of subjects for the options they shall be studying in Year 9.  The Headmaster spoke to those present about the importance of studying and the responsibility where school and studies are concerned now that these students have to deal with the challenges of adoloscence.

We would like to thank our Guidance and PSCD teachers for their dedication and help to guide our students.  We appreciate the presence of the parents during this meeting and we thank them for their cooperation.

For this year’s annual celebration, one of our teachers chose a number of popular Maltese songs related to the sea and amalgamated them in a drama using visual effects to create a pleasant atmosphere for those present.  Mr Robert Aloisio and Mr Miguel Formosa, together with 56 students worked together to present a varied programme.  We had the opportunity to appreciate Maltese tradition and culture.  Above all we appreciated the sea which surrounds our island.  It was an enjoyable evening for all those present who sang along with the music.  We would like to thank all those who worked hard to make this evening a successful one.


On Sunday 14 May six Year 10 students together with Mr L. Agius and Mr N. Buttigieg left for Rome.

Year 10 and 11 students have been working with the Italian schools Istituto Comprensivo Statale Don Lorenzo Milani di Monte Porzio Catone, Roma, Istituto Comprensivo Statale 3 di Sora, Frosinone, Istituto Istruzione Secondaria Giovanni Sulpicio di Veroli, Frosinone u l-Istituto Omnicomprensivo di Alvito, Frosinone on an eTwinning project “Legende del nostro territorio” since October.

The mobility program will take place in the Provinces of Frosinone and Rome.

We wish them beautiful and learning experiences.

The first day – After arriving in Rome they went to the hostel in Alvito in the Lazio region.  Our students and teachers met the Italian teachers from the Frosinone region who took them for a tour in the village were they also met the local parish priest.  They had lunch in a restaurant nearby and in the afternoon, they visited the Natural Reserve in Lago di Posta Fibreno.



A celebration of creativity, culture, and talent. 

The event to celebrate this special evening started at 7.00pm.  It was an evening were all the resources of our school were united to prepare this special programme related to the sea and its splendour.  We had the pleasure of the Biology Department from the University of Malta with the project Sea Marvel.  All those present appreciated the unique photos exhibited and the presentation by Professor Adriana Vella and Dr Clare Mifsud. To compliment all this, we had another presentation by the Eco-School committee and by Dr Stanley Farrugia Randon.  Our Art teachers ‘transformed’ the school’s spiral staircase as ‘sea with its various species who live underwater’.  At 8pm everyone gathered in the school ground to enjoy the programme from the school band, poem reading and the prize giving awards.  The highlight of the evening was the musical ‘Mewweġ, Mewweġ’with the participation of 65 students.  We appreciated the presence of parents and relatives and ex-students who attended eagerly for this event.  We would like to thank all the members of staff at our school who worked together with the students to co-ordinate the activities organised.  We appreciate the collective effort made by everyone to put up such a varied and spectacular evening.


we celebrated the feast of St George Preca, founder of the Society of Christian Doctrine, MUSEUM. We started the day with a mass celebration where students and staff gathered in the school hall for a short play and a beautifully animated mass.  After mass, our students gathered in groups for a day packed with organised activities.  Besides the various activities which we had at school, today we had a special visit from the Malta Police Force from different sections.  Our students had the opportunity to see the motorcycles, trained police dogs and also a fire engine by the civil protection.  A group of policemen also gave a demonstration of Aikido, a self-defence exercise.  Other activities included Subbuteo games, chess and other board games, Kaboom and Manga.  Another fun activity was the preparation of pancakes and smoothies in the food lab while another group learnt how to make a kite or play the piano.  Others took part in a treasure, photo and scavenger hunt while another group made origami crafts.  It was indeed a fun-filled day packed with activities for everyone.  Another group of students gathered together to prepare for next Fridays’ activities.  We then all stopped for a piece of baked pasta – a well-deserved break and tradition to celebrate this important feast at our school!

We would like to thank all the staff members for their commitment to prepare for this special day and we thank our students for participating actively in the activities organised.