Skiet Li Jtarrax  – Our Year 10 students visited the Manoel Theatre Studios.  The Drama Unit (MEYR) organised this exercise as part of the Education in Theatre in collaboration with the Manoel Theatre and the National School Support Services.  The drama ‘Is-Skiet li Jtarrax’ relates about child sexual abuse.  Our students were accompanied by the Guidance and Religion teachers.  Next week the discussion will continue in class, during the PSCD lessons.


On Friday, 17th March a number of students together with their parents joined us for an evening of prayer and reflection in preparation for Easter. This celebration was based on the five stations of the Way of the Cross.  The evening was characterised with readings from the Bible, features, prayers, experiences, confession sessions and adoration of the Holy Eucharist.  This celebration reached the climax when everyone gathered around the crucifix for a moment of adoration.  We would like to thank the Pastoral Team who prepared this celebration which will remain in our hearts forever.


On Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th March our students’ parents were invited over to school to meet the teachers to discuss the progress of their child.  We would like to thank the parents for attending eagerly and we appreciate their interest in their child’s education.  Thank you all for your co-operation.

Robert Farrugia Randon, a Year 9 student placed second in the Subbuteo Grand Prix held in Mons, Belgium.  Robert is the youngest member of the Subbuteo Club in Attard.  He also formed part of the team of the Attard Subbuteo Club and participated in the competition between teams.

Friday 3rd and 10th March a group of Year 9 and 10 students who study Economics at school , took part in sessions related to Financial Literacy organized by JA Malta as part of the project – Building a Financial Capable Generation.  Our students discussed themes related with profit and loss, saving and loaning money, types of bank accounts, budgeting, and other related topics.  The aim of these sessions was to help our students be aware and learn how to manage their finances and what decisions to take in this regard.  During this activity they had various games related with the themes discussed.  After this session, our students were awarded a certificate of participation.

We would like to thank Ms Vanessa Mc Donald from JA Malta for these interesting sessions and Ms Josianne Debono Tanti  who co-ordinated and assisted the students during this project.


Friday, 12th March  six of our Year 10 students, took part in the first phase of the Young Parliamentarians #letsdebate, organised yearly by the Youth Agency.  During these last three months, these students prepared themselves for these debates and today they successfully won the first round.  They competed with five other schools from Malta and Gozo.  The final shall now be held on 23rd March at the Parliament Building in Valletta.  We would like to thank the Youth Agency for this opportunity and Ms Yanica Camilleri, Youth Worker, who supported and helped our students prepare for this debate. We would also like to thanks Ms Smith, Mr Galea and Mr Camilleri Haber who chose, prepared and accompanied our students.  We wish them every success!

Our Year 10 students, who study German at school, took part in an activity MADE IN DACH (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland).  During this activity, the students had the opportunity to show their talents in drama, music, technology, literature etc.  in connection with famous personalities coming from German speaking countries.  Our students prepared presentations, charts and edited some videos.  All this was then uploaded on the Department of German site.  Finally, the students were awarded a certificate of participation, while the school was given a resource pack to be used during the German classes.  We would like to thank our German teacher, Mr Parascandolo for his work and initiative.


Tuesday 7th March 2023 was a special day at St Michael School. Since we are during the season of Lent, the day was dedicated to spiritual exercises. This year being the 25th anniversary of the passing away of Gilbert Simiana, we shed light on his life as a faithful example and authentic witness to all students and members of staff. Gilbert died at tender age of 15, and his level of holiness and closeness to Jesus Christ still amazes us today, even during a long period of illness that caused him a lot of pain.

On the day, all Forms were assigned to a MUSEUM Centre where they heard the testimony of a person who had known or taught Gilbert Simiana. Also, reflections were shared and activities were organised for all students to be inspired and try and emulate Gilbert’s example in their personal life.

The 7th of March coincided with the anniversary of the founding of the MUSEUM by St George Preca in 1907.



On Thursday, 2nd March nine Year 8 students took part in an Inter Schools Football Tournament at St Martins College.   A total of fourteen schools took part in this tournament.   Our school played in Group B with the Verdala schools, St Martin, San Anton and San Andrea.  They won three games and came draw with San Andrea.  With this total they placed first in Group B with 10 points.

During the last round, the three teams who won the groups, played against each other.  Our school team won over Stella Maris and lost with Savio College.  With this result we placed second.

We congratulate and thank our students who offered their service to take part in this tournament.  We also thank Mr Luke Borg, our PE teacher who accompanied our students.


On Tuesday, 28th February we experienced a lovely moment as all the school gathered around the relic of the Blessed Carlo Acutis.  During this celebration we sang, reflected, watched video clips, and prayed.  We thank our school Pastoral Team for this initiative.

We pray to Carlo to give the grace to our students to follow in his example, be kind to each other, adore the Holy Eucharist and use carefully social media.  Blessed Carlo Acutis pray for us.