Tuesday 4th June, we celebrated the graduation of our Year 11 students who terminated their secondary course at our school.  It was a special evening and students, parents and staff members gathered in the school hall for a programme organised specifically for this occasion.  The evening kicked off by a moment of prayer.  Soon after,  two students read excerpts from Abraham Lincoln’s letter to his son’s teacher.  The evening continued with music pieces by the students, sharing of experiences and a speech by the Director and the Headmaster.  The certificates were then awarded, and memories were renewed by watching several photos taken during these last five years.

The celebration continued in the school garden which was decorated for the occasion.  The atmosphere was very pleasant with music playing and good food served.

We would like to thank all those who had a role to help these youths in their education.  We would also like to thank the members of staff who worked together to prepare for this celebration.  Another praise goes to the parents of these students for co-operating with us for the best of their children.  We congratulate these students and wish them all the best for their future.


This year the football leagues were once more held during the mid-day break.  The first tournament was between the school staff and Year 11 students.  The second tournament held was between Year 9 and Year 10 students while the third tournament between Years 7 and 8 was divided in two.

We would like to thank Luke Borg and Luke Busuttil, our PE teachers for co-ordinating these leagues and our students for participating eagerly during these tournaments.

On Monday, 29th May our Year 9 Prince’s Trust group in connection with the Personal Project Unit Assignment had the opportunity to attend a workshop and work on glassware, a technique called Fused Glass.  During the workshop they discussed the different types of glass and learnt about an ancient type of art designed on glass, known as stained glass and famous in churches.  The students had the opportunity to use the tools to cut glass and create a piece of art.  We would like to thank Ms Alison Fenech Gasan who welcomed us in her workshop, Stained Glass Ltd.  We would also like to thank Ms Laura Cachia and Mr Darren Bugeja who accompanied our students.

This year, one of Moveo Dance Company’s new pieces for Culture Pass 2020, Malala, has at its core Human Rights and Diversity within our society & community. Moveo Dance Company is committed to helping and supporting young people to shape their own lives and futures. For this particular project, we are not presenting the students with a fictitious character, but with a real-life superhero who they can take inspiration from.

Malala Yousufzai will be the main protagonist of our performance and through her incredible story, we want the students to understand the importance of human rights, activism, respect and diversity. For most students receiving their education here in Malta, hearing about a young, 11-year-old girl not being allowed to go to school is likely to trigger feelings of confusion and incredulity. Through this project we aim to educate students on the basic

concept of human rights, and to expose them to the reality that human rights are not a given worldwide. Taking inspiration from Malala’s diary entries, our performance &workshop will help students understand that there are people who are still, till this very day, fighting for basic human rights, which at times we may take for granted. We aim to also aid students in better understanding and appreciating our educational system and institutions, in the right to fight for your rights and most importantly the importance of offering empathy, support, respect and understanding to people who flee their country in search for a better life.


This year our school hosted the Prince’s Trust Achieve Malta Awards.  During this celebration, the students who participated in this programme were awarded a certificate as well as the school and educators for their commitment.  About 400 students from different schools in Malta and Gozo attended for this celebration.  The Minister of Education , the Director General of Education, the Chief Executive of HSBC Malta and various Directors and Heads of Schools were invited for this prize giving awards celebration.  St Michael School was the first Church school who offered this programme to its students.

We would like to thank Ms Maureen Amoroso, Educational Official and her team for their work and dedication and for offering our school this opportunity.

On Tuesday, 23rd May, three Eco-School students from our school left for Prague, in Czech Republic to attend a GLOBE Conference.

On Wednesday they visited the local main attractions of the city and saw the Jewish synagogues, cemeteries and quarters. They also visited the Church dedicated to Our Lady of Victory in Malá Strana where they saw the devoted statue of Baby Jesus of Prague.

The Conference which was held at the Faculty of Science in the Charles University in Prague took place on Thursday.  Our students made their presentation of the study they carried out on Air Quality.  On Friday, together with another school from Ireland they took part in a study about aerosols, an apparatus which measures air particles.  After the Conference they visited the Museum of Natural History and other attractions around the city.  Our students returned to Malta on Saturday.

This was a memorable experience for our students and for us as a school.  We were the first Maltese group who took part in this type of Conference.  Our students had the opportunity to make new friends and enrich their experience academically even through their presentation at this International Conference.

We congratulate Jerome Carabott, Matthew Sammut and Scott Tabone for the study they carried out and for their participation in this Conference.  We would also like to thank Joseph Savona, co-ordinator of the Eco-School committee and Darren Bugeja for accompanying these students during this visit.


This workshop forms part of our Refugee Week Malta Programme and aims to provide creative and accessible opportunities for children to raise awareness about seeking safety, inclusion and community-building while nurturing spaces for discussion, debate and problem solving.

Refugee Week Malta is part of a global movement that seeks to celebrate the creativity and resilience of people seeking refuge. We, Dance Beyond Borders, are the local producers that work in collaboration with others to curate a week-long programme of activities in line with the yearly theme. The theme for 2023 is Compassion and we wanted to include an Education Initiative as part of this year’s programme. We seek to explore innovative educational initiatives that nurture critical thinking and discussion around the social issue of Migration amongst young people.

A two hour workshop that will present an overview of Augusto Boal and Forum Theatre (to introduce the methodology we will be presenting), we will engage in a warm up and then experience and engage with the Forum Theatre piece.  Forum theatre is exciting and interactive for all participants, as well as being a great form of engaging and educational entertainment. It highlights sensitive dilemmas in a safe environment and provides positive solutions. It aims to stimulate debate and most importantly develop learning and alter behaviour.

Boal was a Brazilian play writer who created the Theater of the Oppressed; a form of interactive theater intended to transform lives as spectators become performers, acting out solutions to social problems. In Forum Theatre, actors perform a short scene based on an event involving oppression. Spectators are encouraged to suggest and enact solutions to the problem in the scene.

Thursday, 26th May – The Malta Digital Innovation Authority launched its first issue of the comic “The Maltaverians Comic – An Amazing Bit of Data” in our school.  Our Year 9 and Year 10 students who study Computing and IT VET at school were invited for a presentation of this launch.  The purpose of this publication is to widen the knowledge of the students about technology and to be guided about their future careers.  These comics are intended to promote more interest amongst teenagers about reading and increasing their knowledge about technical initiatives around the world.  After the presentation, the students had time to ask questions in relation with this subject. We would like to thank our Computing and IT VET teachers for offering this experience to our students.

The online version of the comic can be accessed via the following link:  https://www.mdia.gov.mt/…/issue-1-the-maltaverians…/

Our students Scott Tabone, Matthew Sammut and Jerome Carabott presenting their investigation on Air Quality at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Well done GLOBErs. You make us proud!!

On Wednesday, 25th May since our students were not at school, we took the opportunity to install the new lighting system in the gym.  These lights were part of the project to refurbish the school gym and they were paid by the money which was collected during the marathon walk.  We would like to thank all those who contributed towards this project.